Facility Rental Information
If you are interested in renting the Clubhouse or Pavilion, please email social@ridgetop.org with the following details:
- Clubhouse or Pavilion
- Date and Time of event
- Any additional notes or questions
Rental Rates:
Pavilion: $25/hour (does not include clubhouse deck)
Clubhouse/Pavilion: $300 (1 to 5 hours). Each additional hour is $75/hr
Additional Information:
- After your event has been approved by social, a contract will be emailed that includes the rental guidelines.
There is $5 guest fee for each non-Ridgetop member who is swimming (no charge for non-swimmers). Please pay the guest fees or provide guest passes at the Gatehouse before your guests arrive. All guests must always be accompanied by a Ridgetop member. No exceptions.
All party guests must be registered (first and last name). IF your party has more than 20 attendees, we may be required to have extra guards.
During pool season, a guest list must be provided 24 hours prior to the event to social chair. If not, guests may not be able to attend.
During pool season, ALL guests must enter through the main gate.
You and your guests must be off the property at 9 pm. There are no exceptions. Ridgetop rules and regulations apply to all events. We suggest ending your event at least by 8:45.
Thank you for your interest!