Facility Rental Information 

If you are interested in renting the Clubhouse or Pavilion, please email social@ridgetop.org with the following details:

  • Clubhouse or Pavilion
  • Date and Time of event 
  • Any additional notes or questions

Rental Rates: 

Pavilion: $25/hour  (does not include clubhouse deck)

Clubhouse/Pavilion:  $300 (1 to 5 hours). Each additional hour is $75/hr

Additional Information:

  • After your event has been approved by social, a contract will be emailed that includes the rental guidelines. 
  • There is $5 guest fee for each non-Ridgetop member who is swimming (no charge for non-swimmers).  Please pay the guest fees or provide guest passes at the Gatehouse before your guests arrive.  All guests must always be accompanied by a Ridgetop member.  No exceptions.

  • All party guests must be registered (first and last name). IF your party has more than 20 attendees, we may be required to have extra guards.

  • During pool season, a guest list must be provided 24 hours prior to the event to social chair. If not, guests may not be able to attend.

  • During pool season, ALL guests must enter through the main gate. 

  • You and your guests must be off the property at 9 pm. There are no exceptions. Ridgetop rules and regulations apply to all events. We suggest ending your event at least by 8:45.




Thank you for your interest!